Time passes...

Wow! It has been over 2 months since I posted a blog on N46ME.
I guess I have been too busy at work and reading and commenting on other blogs (I especially like Jeffery Katz's blog since it often has info about him and his Meridian. http://gmorning.blogspot.com/)
Anyway, the work is done, the airplane is running well and all systems work. We had to replace the pilot's side ADAHRS and now the two units agree with each to within 8 feet. Not perfect, but well within specs.
The calibration of the new unit was interesting. I had to take it over to the compass rose and slowly taxi in two complete circles with the unit was in some special mode. I could watch the readout on the PFD of the G forces the ADAHRS was sensing as we went around the circle. Cool.
My instructor and I went out last Thursday for landing practice. I had been doing swell on everything but landings. I finally got the right sight picture though and had a great outing. By the end of the session I was tired, but landing well in all configurations and felt much better with the airplane. That 75 hours of dual the insurance company requires is a lot, but it does leave one feeling good about the aircraft. The Meridian and the Mirage are great aircraft to land (and fly), very flexible, very smooth.
I'm throwing in a random picture for this post. This is me, my son David and my son inlaw Paul waiting in the farm truck at KTHM for the jet to pick us up. I am always amused when we fly over there in a private jet and then they have to ride to the farm in the back of a farm truck, which of course has baling twine, oil and hay in it. Keeps things in perspective I suppose :-)
bye for now,
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