Time for a Checkup

The dealer I bought my Meridian from, Intermountain Air in Salt Lake City, wanted to have the aircraft in at between 50 to 100 hours of hobbs time for a complete checkout and to fix all the squawks (problems) I have had.
I had quite a list (shown below). Nothing that compromised safety or canceled a flight but it does show how far aircraft have to go before the ownership experience is equivalent to a high end automobile like a Lexus. I have had this discussion with many aircraft dealer and manufacturer folks over the years and most of them just don't get it. Given that a modest aircraft like a Cirrus SR-22 costs 5 times what a top of the line Lexus costs one would think that it would be obvious. I imagine that Japanese manufacturers like Honda will redefine this industry the same way they did the automobile industry.
the squawks:
1) Check rigging. Needs too much left rudder in cruise ? (3 degrees)
2) Check struts, especially starboard.
3) Pilots overhead light. Unable to open little door
4) Check upper door alignment
5) Makes funny grinding noise when starting. Startup noise and shutdown noise (sheet metal against sheet metal sound) Happens before prop starts to spin so it may be something related to the starter.
6) Loose part inside lower door (rattles around when opening door)
7) Install Teflon tape on flaps
8) Comply with SB 1154 ?
9) Gear/stall warning horn is WAY too quiet. Must be defective (other Meridian owners agree when compared to theirs)
10) Whistling noise in cabin when at altitude. Air leak?
11) Configure both GTX 330 transponders to enable the Automatic ALT/GND mode switching so the flight timer automatically resets and starts counting up on takeoff. (Flight timers do not automatically start counting)
12) Various external stickers on the belly need replacement.
13) Air conditioner fan sometimes has very low output.
14) Too much heat output from env control system. Try setting knob to 9 o’clock position. Controller bad? Valve bad? Related to item #13 ?
15) Hydraulic pump cycles every 10 to 20 minutes (25,000 ft, -25 degrees C)
16) Turn coordinator ball is not centered when aircraft is level (Meggitt balls are fine)
17) High pitched whistle in both headsets from both radios when receiving when avionics dimmer is in a dim position (as opposed to completely off)
18) Right rear microphone jack is intermittent.
19) Light bulb on switch that swaps transponders is burned out
20) Please add 2 quarts of turbine oil to the engine