Memorize this chart

In 2025 when prosperity, innovation and the ability to get ahead in the United States is totally dead you should have this image firmly in your mind so you will understand both why things are that way and how it was totally predictable 15 years earlier that it was going to turn out that way.
A few things to notice: the real problem started in 2008, the year the liberals took over congress. It accelerated at an incredible pace once the liberals controlled both congress and the presidency. Finally, these charts are based on the optimistic projections from the CBO and the president's budget office so things will probably be worse, and most likely, much much worse. Just like dates have a life of their own, such as 9/11 and 12/7 ("A day that will live in infamy") so too will the world look back and mark 11/4/2008 as the day the United States died.