A fun week

Well, after 10+ years at Amazon I finally have hit the retirement button. The celebrations started on Saturday when we took the Meridian over to Montana to see how things were going with some work we were doing at the house. I finally got to take a few pictures of the Lektro Tug that Eric Paulson had painted to match my airplane (thanks Eric!). It looks and works great!.
Next, we had a surprise party at my house given by the folks at my church. Tuesday there was a party at work with tons of folks and a very neat crystal airplane momento. Thursday was a breakfast get together farewell where the gang gave my an Apple Air! To make it even better, Jeff joined us for breakfast to say farewell, what a great guy to have worked for. We plan to finish up the week with my daughter, her husband and a friend coming up for the weekend and going to a concert with Celtic Woman, Then next week we go to Denver to visit relatives and dear friends and have another week of fun and celebration. I'm not sure how the actual retirement is going to be but it sure is starting out with a bang!